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About the Ministry

The Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine is the central executive body responsible for the formation of state policy in the areas of transport, infrastructure development, housing, and communal services, as well as reconstruction and regional development.

The main tasks of the Ministry today are stimulating regional development, ensuring energy efficiency, restoring territories after russia's armed aggression, as well as developing local self-government and spatial planning. The Ministry coordinates work on transport safety and regulation of the construction industry by introducing new standards and building regulations. 

Key priorities of the Ministry

"eVidnovlennya" program
Aimed at supporting citizens through compensation for housing and the creation of affordable social housing for internally displaced persons.

Social housing
Construction and provision of affordable housing for rent to meet the basic needs of war-affected citizens.

Regional development
Continuation of the decentralization reform and implementation of the "Plich-o-Plich" project, which unites communities for restoring infrastructure, humanitarian aid, and social support.

Development and improvement of eCherga and other services through the "Diya" portal for convenient and quick access to public services, as well as the unified state electronic system in the field of construction (EDESSB) and the state electronic project management system DREAM.

Energy security
Ensuring stable energy supply in communities and installing modern equipment to reduce the risk of interruptions.

Restoration of infrastructure
Repair of damaged facilities, construction of water mains and other critically important systems to restore life in the affected regions.

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